Fall means Halloween + More!

Fall is a magical time of year, with its crisp leaves, changing colors, and cozy sweaters. It's also a great time to read with your kids. Here is a book recommendation for kids 3-5 that is perfect for the fall season:

  • Helping Hands on Halloween by Leah Bathsheba: This book is a heartwarming story about the power of kindness and compassion. It follows a group of children who set out to help others on Halloween night. It's a great book to read to your kids to teach them about the importance of being kind and helpful.

The book Helping Hands on Halloween is a great reminder that kindness and compassion are important all year round, not just on special occasions. When we are kind to others, we make the world a better place.

Here are a few ways to teach your kids about the importance of kindness and compassion:

  • Be a role model. Show your kids how to be kind and compassionate by being kind and compassionate yourself.

  • Talk to your kids about the importance of kindness and compassion. Explain to them why it's important to be kind to others and how kindness can make a difference in the world.

  • Read books to your kids about kindness and compassion. There are many great books available that can teach your kids about the importance of being kind.

  • Encourage your kids to be kind and compassionate to others. Help them to find ways to be kind to their friends, family, and classmates.

By teaching your kids about the importance of kindness and compassion, you can help them to make the world a better place.

Are you a CDA or ECE candidate

who is building their portfolio? If so, you know that a well-written professional philosophy statement is essential. But writing a personal philosophy statement can be challenging, especially if you're not sure where to start.

That's why I'm excited to announce the launch of my new digital download CDA ECE professional personal philosophy statement!

This personal philosophy statement is a valuable resource for ELE and elementary education teachers who are: getting their CDA degree, applying for jobs or seeking professional development opportunities. It is a well-written and informative statement that will help candidates stand out from the competition.


✨Easy to edit

✨Sleek and professional design

✨Available in Google Document format

✨Easy to customize

✨Save time and energy by using a pre-written template

✨Get a polished and professional document that will impress your assessors

✨Easily customize the template to match your own style and preferences

My digital download is perfect for CDA and ECE candidates of all experience levels. Whether you're just starting out or you're about to finish your portfolio, this digital download can help you write a personal philosophy statement that will impress potential employers.

Purchase my digital download CDA ECE professional personal philosophy statement today and start writing the personal philosophy statement of your dreams!

Click here to purchase the digital download

Celebrating National Library Workers Day

Library workers are essential to our communities. They provide us with access to information, resources, and programs that help us learn, grow, and connect with others.

Library workers are also advocates for literacy and lifelong learning. They work to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to read, write, and learn.

This month on April 25th, we are celebrating library workers and their important contributions to our communities. We are also highlighting some great children's books that can help children learn about the importance of libraries and library workers.

How Library Workers Help Us

Library workers help us in many ways. They:

  • Provide us with access to books, magazines, newspapers, and other materials.

  • Help us find information on a variety of topics.

  • Offer programs and events for all ages.

  • Assist with research and homework.

  • Promote literacy and lifelong learning.

  • Connect us with other community resources.

Great Children's Books You Can Add To your Library

There are many great children's books that can help children learn about the importance of literacy and books. Here are a few of my favorites:

These books can help children learn about the importance of libraries, the joy of reading, and the power of imagination.

Thank you to all library workers!

We appreciate all that you do for our communities. You make a difference in the lives of so many people. Thank you for your hard work and dedication.