In America, we love to snack in between meals. Heck, I personally love to snack! so-much-so that I gained an extra 30 lbs snacking (yikes!)....that’s why its super important to be cognizant of what exactly we are putting in our bodies- especially when that snacking craving hits. I have found that packing my food ahead of time (meal planning) has GREATLY helped me lose all that extra weight and keep it off. With my job I’m constantly on the go and these snacks to help me avoid being hungry, and saved me extra money from having to eat out. What a win! Keep reading to find out which snacks I’ve found to be satisfyingly yummy and nutritious!
Disclaimer – this post contains affiliate links to the products that I use and trust. This means I may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you) if you make a purchase using any of my links below. Thank you for the support!
BUT snacking can also be dangerous for our health for a number of reasons. Let's whip out our calculators and do some basic math shall we?
In order to maintain a healthy weight or loose weight our bodies need to consume a set number of calories a day right? Lets say a woman who is 5'6 needs to eat between 1500-1800 calories a day to maintain a healthy weight. Mindlessly snacking on a bag of chips, cookies, even a slice of pizza can easily add 500-800 calories in one sitting. (This doesn’t even include our main meals or other snacks which would put us over our daily caloric intake leading to extra weight gain.) That’s 2300 calories a day, which is a little over 1.5 lbs of gained weight a week. you want to gain weight or lose weight? I know which one I choose!
Reason #2 snacking can be dangerous for our health is because many snacks tend to be full of salt and other additives which are not good for our bodies. Did you know salt is in literally everything we eat?! Alarmingly yes, its in condiments, juices and soft drinks, sports drinks, and especially snack food! That’s why its so important to plan your snacks ahead of time and pack yourself healthy, fulfilling snacks that won't leave you hungry shortly after eating them.
I like to pack the snacks below for a number of reasons because:
- they are quick and easy to pack for the day
- I’m always rushing out of the house late for something....these are easy to reach for in a tight pinch
-they wont explode in my bag or purse (because who wants to eat a smashed banana?), they aren’t a messy snack that will stain my clothes.
- Raw Nuts-
Raw nuts like: almonds, walnuts, cashews (make sure you buy the unsalted ones!) are a great way to fit omega-3 fatty acids into your diet. Depending on the nut, they are packed with fiber and nutrients such as: ALA’s, Vitamin E, Folate, Selenium and the list goes on!
I like them because each nut has a different taste and texture. They are a good type of sneaky, in that they fill me up without having to eat a lot and I have found that I don’t get as hungry soon after eating them. I like to pair this snack with water or tea.
-Peeled Snacks
Peeled snacks are great for those days when you don’t want to do an food prep but still want to eat healthy delicious snacks on the go. The Peeled Snacks company only makes their dried fruit using organic produce and you can trust that it isn’t going to be filled with lots of additives, sulfites, added sugar or oils. I love snacks that I can trust!
- Dehydrated Veggies-
I would LOVE to buy a dehydrator to make my own dehydrated fruit and veggies snacks but let’s be real- those machines are not only big- but expensive #nobodygottimeforthat! That’s why I buy mine from stores like Whole Foods and other natural food stores. My favorites are: beet chips, chickpeas, kale chips, and dried figs. I really like dehydrated veggies because they are crispy and give me that crunch to satisfy my chip cravings. They are really tasty and I don’t feel like I’m eating a snack that is good me!
I also love the Terra chip brand! The flavored ones are a bit too salty for my taste, so I tend to stick with the unsalted ones.
-Fresh Fruit-
I feel like this area is pretty self explanatory. I like to always carry apples, orange, cucumber slices, blueberries, grapes, cherries (make sure to wash your produce before eating these to ensure you wash off pesticides and germs) with me in my purse or bag.
Two cups of freshly air popped corn has 46 calories. One cup of store bought popcorn has 150 calories…. which one would you choose? Did you know that popping your own and adding a seasoning like: pepper flakes, cayenne, or nutritional yeast on top packs WAY less calories and sodium than a store bought brand?? It literally takes no less than two minutes to pop. I have found it to be a delicious life saver while on the road!
There’s my go-to on-the-go mess free snack list. Now it’s your turn to share you favorite snacks that won’t break your wellness goals! Comment below please.