Are you thinking of going plant based but unsure of what it exactly entails? Here’s what you need to know before making the 100% switch to plant based eating, I PROMISE that the good outweighs the bad….BUT, before you do anything check with your doctor or dietitian for the green light.
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What is Plant Based? Eating a plant based diet means eating fresh, organic produce, fruits, and complex carbs. It means completely eliminating all meat, fish, dairy, and processed foods from your diet. It’s getting as close to nature as humanly possible and becoming overall healthier in the process. My partner and I decided to go this route due to all the toxic hormones that are now being found in meat, fish, and dairy. We’ve lost a combined total of over 100 pounds!
The plant based lifestyle may be challenging at first, so I recommend starting off with a couple plant based meals each week, than a couple complete days, than transitioning to a week. You can also start off slowly by eliminating food groups one at time until you’ve reached one hundred percent plant based status.
Added bonus: buying food for a plant based diet is actually cheaper than buying meat and dairy- saving you $$$$ on your grocery bill! And if you want to save even more money on your grocery bill you can download this app that gives you cash back on your grocery receipts!
Double bonus: cooking meals for the plant based lifestyle is way faster than preparing meals that include meat or fish, thereby decreasing your kitchen time!
Pros of switching
*appropriate BMI for your body
* lower blood pressure
* healthy cholesterol levels
*skin issues disappear- psoriasis, eczema, acne
*fewer colds, flu, allergies
*reduces headaches, bloating
* better digestion
* restful sleep
*increased sexual drive and
*decreased heart issues
Sample Meal Plan
Breakfast: Oatmeal, a tablespoon of chia seeds, and 1/4 cup of organic blueberries
Snack: “Ants on a log” celery topped with nut butter and raisins
Lunch: Two cups of organic spinach, one cup of chick peas or beans, salsa, slices of bell peppers and any other vegetables you like (chopped celery, carrots, cucumber etc)
Snack: a piece of fruit, and 1/4 cup of nuts
Dinner: 1/2 cup to one cup of quinoa or brown rice, sauteed veggie stirfry, with a curry or peanut sauce, topped with 1/4 of avocado, cilantro
So why wouldn’t you want to switch?! Here's what you need to know before you go all in:
(these will only last 1-2 weeks before your body starts to GLOW)
*you will experience gas and bloating but it will only last no more than 1-2 weeks
*some people experience headaches as all the sugary foods exit your body
*Fatigue- I experienced fatigue within the first three days which surprised me because I thought my diet was already pretty clean but boy was I wrong. It wasn’t anything serious, I just went to bed earlier than my normal bedtime. After those three days, I actually had more energy and was able to last the entire day without caffeine or napping (although I do miss my naps…)
*Eating plant based foods are chocked full of fiber soooo you will go to the bathroom like CRAZY but don’t be alarmed. If anything, be happy that your body is naturally cleansing itself by ridding unnecessary waste. I’ve read testimonials that some people lose up to 10 lbs of waste within the first week!
*Your skin is the BIGGEST organ in your body, therefore this detox may wreck havoc on your skin as it flushes out all the toxins caused by eating meat and dairy. I’ve had friends experience acne or excessive sweating. Not to worry that your skin will eventually clear up and begin to glow! (I’m not kidding!)
*Depending on the amount of food your body is used to eating you may feel hungrier during these first few weeks. I was worried about this going in to this lifestyle, but I actually found that I was never hungry because fruits and veggies not only kept me full longer but they also are low caloric foods, so I needed to eat more of them in order to hit my daily caloric intake. (Win-win!)
Some ways to Help Ease these temporary symptoms
*Help your body go through this natural cleansing process by flushing it out with water. I really enjoy starting out my morning routine by drinking warm lemon water.
*The various poses in yoga help stretch your body and release tense muscles and bloating. Yes, you may pass gas but it'll feel good I promise!
* Sleep does the body good, so make sure your getting enough shut eye. Resting your body aides in cell repair, muscle rejuvenation and whether it be naps or setting an earlier bedtime, you'll definitely wake up feeling better than the previous day.
*Keep healthy fats (avocados and nuts) readily available during the transition. I am a huge cheese addict but didn’t realize it until I switched. Healthy fats (as well as nutritional yeast which tastes like cheese) will help you in times of need. (Trust me)
*I use a calorie counter app to help me track my daily food intake. I am actually eating more food than I was because fruits and veggies contain less calories than that of meat and dairy. Because of this, its easy to not hit your daily caloric intake. The app helps ensure that I am eating enough (1500 calories a day) The app is also useful because it tells me how much protein, fat, complex carbs I’m eating, as well as nutrient intake.
Part of why I love using mine is because its fun to scan bar codes which automatically input all the food’s nutritional content into the app, and they literally have EVERYTHING. So you can eat out and still be able to track your meals. My favorite is LoseIt but I’ve also heard great things about MyFitnessPal.
P.S. You don’t need to track your calories forever, it’s just good to start off with to ensure that you are eating enough. Once you’ve gotten the hang of the perfect amount of food for your body you can stop. I find it fun!
* Set aside time to meal prep. I like getting plant based recipe inspiration from Pinterest, as well as Marco Borges (he also guided Jay and Bey when they transitioned to plant based eating) cookbook. Remember: it’s easy to crack open a bag of potato chips and call yourself a vegan. But its highly likely that those "bar code foods" aren’t good for you. Eat them as a once in a while treat.
* Taking a multivitamin plus B12. A myth in switching to a plant based diet is not getting enough protein. Actually the opposite is true as greens like, spinach and legumes (beans) are packed full of protein. B12 is the only thing that is not readily provided by eating plant based.
*Consider doing intermittent fasting during these first few weeks to help your body complete all its necessary digestive functions in a specific window of time each day. Intermittent fasting means eating all of your meals during a specific window of the day and fasting the rest of the time, around 12-36 hours. For example, eating your first meal at 11am and your last meal by 7pm to allow your body to fast until breakfast the following day. IF aids in weight loss, brain health, reduces chronic health conditions and improves overall health!
*I also suggest using a measuring cup and food scale to measure out your meals to avoid overeating. (These two small but mighty tools helped me lose thirty pounds!)
You should always to listen to your body’s natural cues telling you when its full. Try to avoid distractions (all screens) during mealtimes and focus on eating. (I’ve found that playing smooth instrumental music, lighting a candle, and chatting with my partner helps me focus on my meal, as well as helps wash the days stresses away. This will help you to not over eat!)
Never fear- Replacements Are Here!
We are so lucky that we live in an age where there are more and more food replacements for each diet. Just because you're a plant-based eater doesn't mean that you can't indulge in almond milk ice cream, vegan doughnuts, cream cheese cakes. There’s even a vegan burger that is to die for! Obviously don’t eat these everyday but its always a treat! I will write another post on some of my foodie favs!
Books to read for further education
Go slow. Don’t feel pressured to go cold turkey overnight. Perhaps consider going week by week and cutting out meat and dairy slowly. Keep a food journal (calorie counter app) to see how your body reacts when certain foods are cut out. It’s not always easy, you will be tempted, but I promise once you start to see results you won’t want to stop! My partner and I have lost a combined 100 pounds of weight living the plant based lifestyle! It’s worth it, plus you will increase your life expectancy!
I’m here to help guide you! Drop me a line below letting me know your thoughts on this fantastic lifestyle. I’d love to hear from you!