Drinking water doesn't have to be boring

Let’s face it….water can be super boring to consume…BUT it’s super important to drink at least half your body weight in water. Not only does a hydrated body lead to better digestion, concentration, and clear skin, but also healthy kidneys!

 Water can help improve headaches, assist in digestive issues like constipation, and benefit your overall health. It is often the missing link between talking about a healthy existence and actually achieving it.

Our bodies absolutely NEED water for a number of reasons:

  • improves brain function- it expands blood vessels which supply oxygen to the brain

  • weight loss- helps boost metabolism, and flush out toxins from your body

  • better physical performance- nutients in water help lubricate cells and prevents contractions in muscles

  • hydration- help to balance blood pressure, blood sugar, and headaches. It’s also been known to assist with healthy-looking skin. 

Drinking enough water helps boost metabolism, and flush out toxins from your body. Hydration helps to balance blood pressure, blood sugar, and headaches. It’s also assists with healthy looking skin by plumping up skin, smoothing out wrinkles and fine lines, as well as preventing acne.  

It is recommended by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine that women consume at least 11.5 cups of water daily and men consume about 15.5 cups daily. Oh boy, that’s a LOT of water each day….how does one remember to drink that much, let alone find enough time in the day to drink that much?!

If you are finding it difficult to drink enough water throughout the day, here’s a tip that helps motivate me to consume enough water Every Day! Infused Water! What is infused water you ask?! I simply mix filtered water with fruit and spice combinations using my water bottle, mason jar, or water jug. Refill with water as needed for infused water all day!

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Disclaimer – this post contains affiliate links to the products that I use and trust. This means I may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you) if you make a purchase using any of my links below. Thank you for the support!


  1. Orange slices + Grapefruit slices + Freshly peeled Ginger

2. Orange slices + freshly peeled Ginger + Cinnamon Sticks

3. Cucumber slices + fresh Basil leaves + sliced Strawberries

4. Straight up peeled lemon (I also drink warm lemon water every morning which helps with bowl movements)

& Water

*Be as creative as you want with these infusion recipes! The sky (and your palate) are literally the limit when infusing your water!

I have also found success spacing out my daily water intake throughout the day. Having a 40 ounce water bottle to refill twice ensures that I’ve drunk enough for the day. Other people have different ways of remembering but this system works for me. Here’s my daily schedule as an example for you:

Wake up: Immediately drink two cups of warm lemon water- 2 cups

mid-morning: I fill up my 40 oz water in my mason jar or bottle and make sure to finish it throughout the morning- 5 cups

mid-afternoon: I refill my 40 oz water bottle and make sure to finish it before bed- 5 cups

Total: 12 cups

*A note for ya: yes, spacing out your daily water intake helps ensure proper hydration but make sure you don’t try and play catch up for the entire day in the late afternoon/evening. It’s ok if you didn’t get it all in. We all have days like that, myself included. Drinking H2o heavily before bedtime is a sure fire way to wreck your beauty sleep by being woken up multiple times in the night to go to the bathroom. Tomorrow’s a new day- make up for it then!

Please let me know of any fruit infused water recipes you personally enjoy!

