With topics like global warming frequently in the news, I wanted to find ways to reduce my carbon footprint while living within my budget. Below you will find six ways that have worked for me and my family.
Disclaimer – this post contains affiliate links to the products that I use and trust. This means I may receive a small commission (at no extra cost to you) if you make a purchase using any of my links below. Thank you for the support!
Got slightly used clothes, shoes, or brand new items with the price tag still on it? Retail therapy is a real thing and we live in a day and age where social media is constantly pushing new things to buy at us. We fall into their marketing trap and before long we have WAY more things than we really need. There's a statistic that says people wear only 20% of the clothes their closet. #shocking! If that sounds like you then, use the Poshmark app to sell those extra items before that collect dust. Plus buying used clothes is part of a more sustainable circular fashion lifestyle!
It's time to start Marie Kondo-ing your closet and selling the clothes you don't ever wear on the app called, Poshmark. It's easy to use- simply snap a couple pictures of your clothes or accessories, write a couple sentences describing the item, name a price and you're done! Once you sell an item the app even creates the shipping label for you. I use the money I make from Ibotta to buy things on Poshmark! #Winning <—Click on this link and I’ll follow you back and repost your clothes!
There are sooo many cash back app’s on the market right now available for consumers to use. I personally like Ibotta the most because it has all the grocery stores I shop at (since that’s where I’ve found I shop the most.)
Save money while shopping at the store on everyday items using this cashback app. Simply select the store you're shopping at, tap the items you'll be buying (super quick step) and after you're done take a picture of your receipt and viola- cash back! I've gotten about $5 back with each trip and over time it accumulates. I like it because I have linked it to my Venmo And Paypal accounts and used the cashback I earned towards buying other things. #SuperConvenient
Remember to use reusable shopping bags whenever you shop. A lot of stores (like Whole Foods) give you money back for using your own bags. if you click on my Ibotta link <—-we can friend each other and have a friendly competition to see who saves the most each month!
-Diva Cup-
Ladies only on this one: save money by ditching tampons or pads. Yes, I said it- you no longer need to buy sanitary products for your cycle (talk about reducing your footprint and waste!). by using this reusable menstrual cup you’ll save about $120 a year! The average woman spends about $10 on tampons and pads per month plus has to worry about having enough space in her apartment/home/purse/bag etc. to fit the boxes in. Stop taking up drawer space, and save money by making the switch. It does take a little bit of practice but wow!! is it practical and less maintenance than that of disposable sanitary products. AND you’ll spend between 20-33 cents per month by switching to this Reusable cups.
I've always struggled with heavy and painful periods and this has been a godsend! I wish I'd started years sooner. Not only do I have less pain (only one day) throughout my cycle but I don't have to bother changing my tampons or pads several times a day as the diva cup can last 8-12 hours! They sell the cups literally everywhere but you can also buy it here.
Follow the milkman's model and have all your household cleaning products and dry food delivered to you in the company's reusable containers. Once your done simply leave outside for the company to pick up. Less waste sitting around your house collecting dust, leaving you with a piece of mind you helped do your part. And there are no monthly costs or subscription fees!
A Fairly new company formed by the coalition of major manufacturers of consumer packaged goods and foods created Loop, with the hopes of helping save our planet by making a zero-waste supply chain for their products with consumers who’d opt in for the service. They worked with the company, TerraCycle to develop an updated version of the plan.
The idea is that people would get refillable containers and as they use up the items, they can call a Loop pick up driver to take their containers away to be refilled or send them off at a UPS store. Now how cool and easy is that!? by using Loop, you can do your part to lower carbon emissions coming from the process and have a greater impact on reuse.
-Cloth diapers-
Did you know that one of the most common items that take up the most space in landfills are used diapers? That statistic is not only mind-blowing but startling, as diapers take about 500 years to decompose. As the population continues to grow, I urge people with babies to start thinking about making the switch to cloth diapers.
We live in a day and age were there are diaper services in just about every state! They make it super easy for parents by delivering the freshly washed Organic cotton cloth diapers right to your doorstep and hauling away the used diapers. They even provide the used diaper bin and diaper covers. The services prices are actually cheaper ($0.28 cents a month) than buying plastic diapers ($0.48 cents a month). It’s a win-win to save the earth and money at the same time! (you can also buy your own set if you dont want to use a diaper service)
After seeing my little brother grow up using cloth diapers and reading a bunch of articles about the benefits of cloth diapers, children who use cloth diapers potty train about 25% faster than others because they can feel when the cotton diapers are wet thereby training them to use the toilet faster.
Emissions and air pollution are on the rise. We can do our part by taking public transportation or car sharing. If you live near a city than it can be easier to find people to carpool with on a regular basis, but what about those who do not or perhaps are traveling for work?
Renting a vehicle on Turo is not only cost effective because its cheaper (25% less $$) than renting a car through a big rental agency; and it is a perfect residual side income for many people who telecommute or those who work from home and own a vehicle but barely drive who’d like to rent out there vehicle.
The Turo app is like Airbnb for your car. Simply take some photos of your car, a full description of the vehicle, and the daily renting price of your choice and people without cars can rent your car for the day or week. The company will also add insurance on your vehicle. You'll make money off of it and also help cut down on pollution by sharing your vehicle. One couple I know makes so much money renting out their truck they were able to not only pay off some bills but also afford to buy a Tesla!
So, now it’s your turn to tell me which ways you are going to save the planet and save money. Please share other methods in which I didn’t mention as well.